On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 5:46 PM 'spudboy...@aol.com' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*> John, I am discussing this with a couple of people on another board. If
> we go for a 2024 AGI, what do you guess will be (high likelihood) of any
> impact on us, the peasants? Will it pick great stock tips, overturn all
> religion, make better art and poems that the LLM's???*

For the first time a computer was able to pass the Turing Test about 8
months ago so I would argue that we already have Artificial General
Intelligence and what we're really talking about is Artificial Super
Intelligence, which I would define as a computer that can perform ANY
intellectual task better than ANY human. And it's impossible even in theory
to figure out what something smarter than you and who gets even smarter
every day plans to do; that's why they call it a Singularity, it's a
horizon beyond which we cannot see or do better than random chance at
making correct predictions. Once Artificial Super Intelligence is achieved
the only thing holding it back would be manual dexterity, and although
robotics hasn't improved quite as fast as AI has it's still moving pretty

*> For me, I ain't getting enthused, until low error-qc gets merged with
> AI.*

It's pretty obvious now that Quantum Computing would just be icing on the
cake, Artificial Super Intelligence can be achieved without it, maybe it
will come in handy for Mega Ultra Super Intelligence.

*> And, a Dem sez, what? *

Neither political party is currently paying much attention to the
gargantuan events that are happening right now under their nose, they're
going on pretty much as usual, with the Democrats worrying about climate
change, Putin's war in Ukraine, North Korea, and a Chinese take over of
Taiwan, while the Republicans believe the most monumental issues of the day
are gay marriage, alien immigration, abortion, Hunter Biden's laptop,
Hillary Clinton's email server, excessive wokeness, low flush toilets, the
"stolen" 2020 presidential election, windmills killing birds, and windmills
killing .... ah ...whales.

Eventually there will come a point when even politicians realize that the
issues that they thought were so important, basically the same things their
grandparents thought were important, were really trivial compared to recent
developments in AI, and the Democrats will then come up with a coherent
plan to confront it, it may not be an effective plan and in fact it almost
certainly will not be but at least they'll try; however  recent events have
demonstrated once again that the Republicans are unable to lead the nation
anywhere except in a circle.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

> AGI by September 2024, maybe March
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5eQwl4YmGU&t=10s>

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