On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 8:37 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

*> I don't think the US and other major economies will escape a severe
> recession next year, because the fundamental problem facing us is that
> we're gong cold turkey on the zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) and
> quantitative easing (QE). These policies were kept in place long after
> economy had regained its footing after the 2008 financial crisis.*

And after that the country suffered a bungled response to the worst
epidemic in its history. Forget recession, after a massive shock to the
economy that huge it's a miracle the economy didn't enter a 1829 style
depression, and we can thank  the Federal Reserve's low interest rates and
the Federal government's liberal spending for averting that catastrophe .
Today the US economy is healthier than that of Europe, the UK, Japan and
even China, and  unemployment is lower than it's been in 50 years. The only
negativity was a brief pulse of high inflation but it didn't last long,
today it's only 3.7%, last year at this time it was 8.2% .

*> What should have been done a few years after 2008, was to gradually stop
> the ZIRP and QE policies.*

 Europe and the United Kingdom kept doing what you advised even after the
pandemic, and as a result today they are both mired in a deep recession
while the US economy handled things differently and is thriving.

*> So, while it is true that so far things look like moving in the right
> direction, this is only because of a large lag effects of the rate hikes.*

That's exactly what people were saying one year ago, but still no sign of th
e prediction coming true. Fiscal conservatives are always predicting
economic catastrophe, but with the exception of  3 years during the Bill
Clinton administration (who was a democrat by the way)  the US government
has never had a balanced budget since 1835.

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

I posted my comment here:
> https://nyti.ms/40AQJCh#permid=129092606
> \

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