> This sounds like another formulation of Ashby's law of requisite
> variety (see http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/REQVAR.html)

I am reading Darwin's Origin of Species, and already there the
explanation of diversity (although he uses a different term) is given
by natural selection: if organisms have to compete for the same
resources, only few ones will survive. If some are able to be
different, they can survive from other resources, to occupy a
different niche (I am using modern terminology, but the idea is
there). This process of specialization causes species to diverge, and
thus drive evolution...

> which is in part
> responsible for the differentiation and therefore growth in
> complexity during evolution: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/compgrow.html

I believe Darwin did not speak yet in terms of complexity, but he does
explain why there should be more and more different species (and why most
of them will become extinct)... so YES, we all agree with Etchegoyen,
life is a process of differentiation.

Best regards,

    Carlos Gershenson...
    Centrum Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Krijgskundestraat 33. B-1160 Brussels, Belgium

 "We can control much better how we accept things
  than things themselves"

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