Zeg de website is wel mooi aan het worden he.


On 30-mrt-05, at 16:29, Francis Heylighen wrote:

I have put some effort in cleaning up and enhancing our webpage with short biographies of ECCO people, among others by adding bios and photos for every member where one was available (usually found elsewhere on the web). The result is pretty nice: at least to me it looks like a bunch of interesting people that I would very much like to meet if I didn't know them already ;-)

Please check it out, and especially add and correct to the text yourself. For some people the bio I improvised is understandably pretty minimal, so feel free to add further details. Try to maintain the same style as the other bios, and stick to the general rule that the length of the bio should be proportional to the amount of your academic experience. If you have a better photo, please send it to me directly so that I can adapt it to the right size and plug it in.

You can see the page at http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be:8000/ECCO-web/9

(or via the general address: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/ECCO/ -> go to: people -> short biographies)

Remember that in order to edit you need to login as


Francis --

Francis Heylighen
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group
Free University of Brussels

--- --- --- ---
Mixel Kiemen: http://www.mixel.be/

DISC: Decision Information Science Communication
ECCO: Evoltution Complexity COgnition

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