Hi all,

       I'm having a "little" problem with Evolution ( working
with an Exchange server. If I create a date in Evolution, it appears
OK in the Exchange Web Access (same for update/delete), so that's OK.
Whenever I start Evolution, it connects to Exchange and gets all dates
I've created in the calendar *but* if, after I've started Evolution, I
create a date using the exchange web interface, Evolution doesn't
notice until I restart it.. I've waited very long (a whole night) to
see if it was just a matter of time, but it doesn't notice... I have
to restart it.

       Anybody knows if this is a bug or, maybe, some
missconfiguration? I've tried lowering (to 1 minute) synchronization
interval, and also checking/unchecking the option to allow the
calendar to work off-line, but no way to make it work...

       I'm running Evolution on a Fedora Core 6 distribution up-to-date (yum!)

       Any clue will be wellcome... that's the only piece I need to
make work for being the first non-windows user in my company that is
able to use all the (windows) shared resources in the company!! ;)

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