>>>>> Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>>>>> "Art Alexion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 14:43 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

>>> I don't much care, except that I have to change my habits when moving
>>> from one list to another.

>> My sentiments exactly.

> FWIW I use NNTP access to http://gmane.org for most of the mailing lists
> I subscribe to.  Then I don't have to change my habits from list to
> list.  

> This list is here: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.evolution.general

Translating this information to Evolution users unfamiliar with NNTP:
 - Select Edit->Preferences... and then Mail Accounts
 - Click on the "+ Add" button
 - In the Account Assistant wizard:
  - Select a real email address that you receive email on (it will be
    used to do confirmation on the first posting to each mailing list)
  - Select "USENET news" as the server type, and give "news.gmane.org"
    (without the quotes) as the value of the Server field, just put
    nothing in the Username field
  - In the "Sending Email" pane, add the sending email information
    matching the email address picked for this server
  - For the Account name, give "Gmane" (without the quotes)
 - Once the NNTP server is in place, select Folder->Subscriptions,
   select Gmane as the server, and browse hierarchically to the group(s)
   you would like to read

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