On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 12:30 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> As you know, I use vfolders heavily.  I had a crash (i.e. power outage)
> this morning and when I restarted *ALL* of my vfolders were gone!!!!!
> I do have daily backups if I have to go back to a previous one but I
> don't even know what to restore.  Can somebody enlighten me as to
> where/how evolution stores the vfolder configuration?

Well.  Restoring .evolution/mail/vfolder/folders.db from a backup seems
to have given me back all of my vfolders, but they are not
accurate/up-to-date.  There are many messages in underlying real folders
that are just not showing up in vfolders.

Why are the vfolders not being updated to reflect messages that might
have arrived here while this vfolder breakage was happening?

FWIW, I don't think this issue of inaccurate vfolders is isolated to
this breakage I was suffering.  I have many times noticed that if mail
arrives while, say, evolution is not running that the volders and their
underlying real folders will be out of sync.

Any way to force the vfolders to be refreshed?


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