On Fri, 2011-07-29 at 13:09 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Dear developers,
> as I'd like to cover this in the new Evolution user docs that slowly get
> into shape: What is the current (3.1.x) story for average users to
> remove downloaded duplicate emails
> The FAQ includes
> https://live.gnome.org/Evolution/FAQ#Why_does_Evolution_download_duplicate_emails.3F_How_can_I_get_rid_of_them.3F_Why_does_Evolution_reload_old_mails_from_server_when_.22Leave_a_message_on_the_pop_server.22_is_activated.3F
> but e.g. on Fedora 15 there is no "evolution-remove-duplicates" package
> in gpk-application anymore, so I assume it is outdated.

In the Message menu is an option to "Remove Duplicate Messages". But [I
believe] it only removes duplicates of the current message; it doesn't
scan a folder to remove 'all' duplicates.

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