On Wed, 2018-06-27 at 03:05 -0700, thomas wrote:
> I'm using evolution under arch linux with gnome.

okay, but what version of Evolution it is, please?

> Probably the problem occured, after I installed mate-desktop. It
> still remains after removing mate.

As expected, MATE has nothing to do with IMAPx in evolution(-data-
server). I mean, the install of MATE might be just a coincidence.

> Logfile entry (CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution >& logfile):
> BAD [CLIENTBUG] Invalid messageset'

Nice. What about the lines above that request, please? The line you
quoted also contains the command ID, something like A00012 or anything
of the similar form (different character, different number). Search the
log for the same command ID and get that line(s) from the log here
(some commands can be long and be split between multiple lines in the
log). Also, do you know what that server is running, please? Maybe if
it's some public service or such. Though it can also be related to the
actual content of the folder where that command was run.
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