On Thu, 2022-10-20 at 19:10 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > 
> > I am a moderator of the Evolution list, and this is the first I've
> > heard of this. I think that 10 days notice of such a radical change
> > is
> > not reasonable. Most people here, including myself, will have no
> > idea
> > what this is about.
> poc - as a moderator of the list, do you see the "major burden in
> managing lists spam".  It's not the first time I've seen something be
> shutdown with an excuse of "the spam, the spam, we can't cope". 
> Surely
> spam tagging is a mature process these days.

Spam moderation is not a big problem on this list, mainly (I think)
because it's a subscriber-only list and spam is almost always trapped
by the list manager, both by checking membership and by using a
Bayesian filter. Moderators get notice of anything held for approval
and deal with it via a web interface, but it usually amounts to at most
2 or 3 cases per day, so not a big deal.

(This, by the way, is how non-member posts get to the list; a moderator
has to approve them). 

There are currently 3 moderators: myself, Andre Klapper and Adam Tauno
Williams. Note that we have no control over the actual list hosting,
i.e. we are not list admins.

I imagine the spam problem might be greater on some other lists,
especially those that accept posts from non-members.

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