We are running Exchange 5.5 SP4 and Outlook 2000 and we have had some
requests to be notified when something is sent to one of our Public
Folders.  We have had to many users sending announcements to everyone in
the department about retirements, Christmas parties, etc. and have asked
them to send them to a Public Folder that we have set up for this use. 
Unfortunately it's use is limited because people do not want to have to go
check another folder.  We have had them create a shortcut to the folder on
their Outlook shortcuts bar but this doesn't seem to be helpful enough for
Is there a way to have users get notified if a new message is sent to the
Public Folder?  OR  When first opening Outlook is there a way to have it
initially open up automatically to the Public Folder instead of a folder
in their mailbox?  I couldn't find a way to do either one of these things.
 I appreciate any help/ideas.  Thanks.

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