Title: Help with an NDR 'No transport provider'

Environment: NT4 SP6a, Ex5.5 SP4, Outlook 2000 SR-1

Second time in two days we have gotten the following NDR (to different destinations). I looked in the event logs and there was nothing unusual. I looked in the KB and didn't find anything that seemed to apply. Where should I start looking for problems? Have I missed something in the FAQ?

One thing that has been happening is that we are using about 85% of our connection bandwidth.

Here is the NDR...

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject:  RE: Form R Reporting WBT
      Sent:     1/17/02 5:56 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

      'Jerry Roberts ' on 1/17/02 5:56 PM
            No transport provider was available for delivery to this recipient.

Kelly Leavitt
Lion Technology Inc.

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