On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Mike Fieschko wrote:

>>>> "Davor" == Davor Cengija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Davor>     I recently installed xemacs packages from my ML 6.1
>    Davor> distribution CD.
>    Davor>     Since it's completelly new editor for me, I
>    Davor> definitelly need documentation, but xemacs claims there's
>    Davor> no e.g.  xemacs-faq.info file (xemacs-info package is
>    Davor> installed and {mandrake}[~]$ locate xemacs-faq
>    Davor> /usr/lib/xemacs-21.1.4/info/xemacs-faq.info-1.bz2
>I un-bzipped the files and they then became available.  If there's a
>way to keep them bzipped and have them available, I am unaware of it.
        I found the sollution:

(defun setup-bzip2 ()
                (nconc Info-suffix-list '((".info.bz2" . "bzip2 -dc %s")))
                (nconc Info-suffix-list '((".bz2" . "bzip2 -dc %s")))))
(add-hook 'Info-mode-hook 'setup-bzip2)
Davor Cengija
"Please allow 30 days for delivery"

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