On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Brian R. Thacker wrote:

:>Thanks for the information, if I may just ask one more question. Since the
:>scanner is a parallel port model, how do I go about finding the
:>raw-scsi/parport device so I may create the "scanner" group? Thanks for your

>Sorry, I have to pass on this one. I am avoiding those parport scanners as
>a pest. The only PP device I ever had is a PP ZIP, and I actually bought a
>new PP-card for it. :-)

>Hwever, you can try "scanimage -L" - it should give you the port...
>nd, please post a detailed description of what you had to do to get the
>P-scanner working - this may be interesting for others, too.

I don't knwo the particular order of events for making the parallel port
scanner work, be here goes.

I first setup my parport dev (to get the scanner to work under VMware) After
trying to figure out how to get VMwares bi-directional pp module to suppy and
IRQ to work properly because it kept telling me to use procfs to assign the IRQ
of 7. I ended up modifying conf.modules to include the lines

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7

This allowed me to use bi-directional parallel port devices in VMware (yeah!!)

Then I came across the following page for the driver and SANE files for the
Mustek 600 III EP Plus (ok I got this scanner when I was broke and needed one
to scan images for a paper for a class) www.i2k.com/~jeffd/a4s2/

I downloaded to binaries and installed it, which gave me access to my scanner
directly in linux without the help of VMware. I did have the sane rpms from
mandrake installed to begin with. Hope this may help someone else, now if
someone can help me with the question at the top of the page I'd be very

Brian R. Thacker            __________/  Never look at the trombones,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (_|____|___\________  it only encourages them.
Greensboro, NC                   >_|_|_________)      - Richard Strauss

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