On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> That is why ReiserFS is not an available option during install unless
> you choose an expert install.  It is expected that people who select
> expert are exactly that: expert.
> If you don't know enough to make an informed decision (read: you have
> read all of the relevant documentation and are aware of the risks)
> about it, you shouldn't use it.
> _Most_ of the cases I have heard about Reiser breaking in somebody's
> Mandrake box were situations in which they were _trying_ to break it.
> And in many of those, the discs lasted (i.e. were recoverable) than an
> ext2 fs likely would have been.
> For example, one person was intentionally (and repeatedly) cutting
> power to his box while performing dozens of parallel compiles. I have
> seen ext2 systems die after doing something similar just once.
> As far as "its ok to test it on home machines," a journalling
> filesystem is convenient for them, but they are generally not equipped
> to "test" it.  How many home users have the kind of filesystem load
> you see on a real file server?
Don't know if any of you are aware of who / what SpamCop is / does.
However, recently their host suffered a power outage and the server
was shut down uncleanly. Julian, the owner/operator of the SpamCop
server was grateful. He said that his machine was back up and running
VERY quickly, much faster than an ext2fs would have been. :-)

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