Gilbert, how did you set up the partitions on /dev/hda?  If LMDK 7.1 can not
find a valid file systems, I suspect that you set these up with another
utility. Also tell us about your hardware, esp. hard drive type, IDE
controller chip set, video card, and anything else you might think is relevant
to your set up.....

Craig Woods

Gilbert Baron wrote:

> Excuse if this should be on newbie but I think it needs an expert to answer
> it. It also may appear twice. I had a system problem and think it did not
> get posted the first time.
> Trying to install version 7.1 I get at the set up file system step
> Error can't find valid files system.
> The C: drive  (hda) is already set up with a Ext2 Boot and Ext2 for system
> and  Swap.
> If I try to install Version 7.0 there is no problem..
> This seems an obvious regression bug in Version 7.1.
> The same thing happens if you install 7.0 and try to upgrade to 7.1.
> Is there any fix for this?
> Can anyone say what to do?

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