> On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:
> >
> > any preferences between postfix, QMail or sendmail?
> >
> >
> Yes. I've used postfix and qmail. I prefer postfix. This is because
> 1. postfix is easier to set up prevent an open relay "out of the box".
> 2. Is quite easy to configure, as long as you read the directions or are
> willing to visit the postfix web site when something doesn't work right
> because you didn't follow directions.
> 3. Has an active mailing list, which Wietse Venema (postfix
> author) actively contributes to.
> 4. It serves me well. We run mail for 10 or so active virtual hosts,
> probably about 1000msg/day, and postfix is set it up and forget it, all on
> an Pentium II 233MHz with 48M of ram. We run pop for most of the users (I
> use pine on the box itself). It is quite fast as well.
> Please note, qmail, which was written by Dan Bernstein, is also well
> regarded. I had a harder time setting it up, but then I was less
> experienced at the time. You won't go far wrong with either. Sendmail is
> a huge program, written when email was tranferred using a larger number of
> protocols and your MTA needed to support them all. Ergo, it is much harder
> to configure. Its bad reputation was probably founded by some security
> bugs (fixed for a while now), and the fact that many vendors shipped it
> as an open relay "out of the box" IIRC. I've never used it.
> These, of course, are my opinions, probably worth more or less what you're
> paying for them <grin>.
> -burk
> --
> Linux File Managers: http://www.pobox.com/~burk/linuxfile.html

All opinions welcome =0)  especially since I haven't figured out where to

Joseph S Gardner

Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co., Cleveland, OH

The box said,
"Requires Windows 3.x or better",
so I got Linux.

Registered Linux user #1696600

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