Greetings, every one.

Here's a puzzler for you.

At my office, we have a linux file server with Samba 2.0.7. Security is
set to server, although I've tried domain and user as well. Any pc that
logs on and is a member of the NT4 domain can see the shares that they
are supposed to be able to see with no problem.

We have several pc's that are not part of the domain. If these machines
happen to be running NT, everything is fine once I set the user account
to "No Password". Here's the really weird part.

Win95 machines that are not in the domain are having problems. If I log
on to a 95 machine as myself, I can see the files in my personal share,
and all the restricted shares that I have access to. But, I cannot see
any files in the public share! I can see folders, but there are no files
appearing in them.

I've tried a ton of different permutations of the /etc/smb.conf file.
Nothing seems to change these results.

Here's what my current smb.conf shares part looks like:

#============================ Share Definitions
   comment = Home Directories
   path = /s2/%u
   browseable = no
   writable = yes

        path = /s1/public
        comment = Public Share
        browseable = yes
        read only = no
        case sensitive = yes
        short preserve case = yes
        preserve case = yes
        force group = users
        guest ok = yes
        create mask = 0777
        directory mask = 0777

   comment = VSI Fax webserver directory
   path = /usr/vsifax3/webserver
   valid users = wayne,doug
   public = no
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = MIS share
   path = /s1/mis
   valid users = @mis
   public = no
   writable = yes
   printable = no

        comment = Reports
        path = /s1/rpt

        path = /s1/sales

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance,


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