Check out PuTTY and Secure iXplorer.

A google search will give you their URLs.  If you need to tunnel through
an http proxy, check out httptunnel.

That's the solution I use.

-- Asheesh.

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Franki wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can't remember if I asked this or not.. I need app for win32 (2000 pro
> specifically) that supports file transfers over ssh,,
> in other words, I really don't want to enable ftp on my server, I have had
> security problems previously with FTP (resulting in one of my servers
> getting hacked., and I am now paranoid...
> So does anyone know of such an app?
> I use TerraTerm pro with the ssh patch,, but it doesn't support the new ssh
> standards...
> can anyone suggest anything?
> Also, is anyone using Mason firewall? and if so what are your
> thoughts/opinions...??
> kindest regards/many thanx
> Frank Hauptle
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> Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

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