Dear friends:

I decided to experiment today with XFCE. It's a great and neat and
beautifully designed and very intuitive desktop environment that allows
you to access all of KDE and Gnome (and X and console) applications. I
certainly recommend it.

Alas, during installation, i.e. while running xfce_setup, I chose to
install it as default. Actually, while I like xfce very much and may
want to select it as my default desktop, I think I hit the "default"
button when I shouldn't have.

Be that as it may, I can't now seem to log into KDE. I have rebooted
several times, as I usually do into runlevel 3, and from the console
typed: "startx KDE" (without the quotes). I also tried startx kde. I
then tried startx Gnome. Nothing works. Instead, each time Linux takes
me into XFCE.  

I really don't mind too much being stuck in XFCE, but it would be nice
to be able to log into KDE or any other desktop if I wished to.

Would really appreciate your help.


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