I am running Mandrake 8, with fvwm2 as a window manager and no Gnome or KDE.

I'm trying to compile/run xmame and need joystick support, but can't figure out
how to get it.

harddrake shows a line for joysticks, but if I click on it nothing happens.
"probing options" lists no configuration tool for joysticks.

rpmdrake lists no packages that contain the string "joy".

xf86cfg doesn't seem to anything useful that I can figure out (like put a
joystick section in my XF86Config-4).

I can try "modprobe analog" or turn on my Sidewinder and try "modprobe
sidewinder".  This doesn't give an error message, but doesn't do anything
useful that I can see, either.

What can I do to get a working joystick?

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