On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 06:02:32PM +0300, Turgut Kalfaoglu wrote:
> Did anyone succeed in NFS sharing a tape and mounting that share from
> another machine? I'm trying to make a backup from a machine that doesnt
> have a tape drive to another, that does. I have the tape in EXPORTS,
> but I get "not a directory" blurb when I try to mount it; it seems I need
> to first mount that tape locally on the machine that has the tape; but it
> refuses to be mounted as well :)  any ideas how?
> Thanks, -turgut

Tape ? You mean something like DAT ou DLT ?! You can't use such a device
like a hard disk or a floppy/cdrom. I've never seen someone that has
managed to mount a tape as a filesystem. I doesn't work like Windows
software like Direct-CD or equivalent one for tape...

You use tar/cpio/dump to backup/ restore you filesytem to/from the tape.

If you want to backup different machines with only one tape, export
what you need to backup on each machine, and mount every exported
filesystems/directories on the server...

Or use the machine with the tape as a backup server: it will export
some directories. On each machine, mount one from the backup server,
copy the data you need to backup to the backup server exported filesystem.
Finally, run a backup on the backup server.


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