On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> On Thursday 13 December 2001 01:35 pm, Scott wrote:
> > Ok, I give up, how are you guys putting your uptime in your email
> > messages?
>     You can create a text file and 'chmod -x' it to run any suitable
> executable, eg, /usr/bin/uptime.  I do this with kmail by making my sig
> executable and placing   /usr/games/fortune  in it as the last line. So
> while it probly varies with email clients, it should be easy to do.
>   my sig:
> echo  ____Tom Brinkman _________________ South Texas, USA_____
> echo
> /usr/games/fortune
>     FWIW, I'm just playin with it right now since GC just made many more
> fortune db's available on his website
>          http://lis.snv.jussieu.fr/~rousse/linux/plf/
I use pine and I can't seem to get it to work in my signature, I added
/usr/games/fortune and chmod +x the .signature, I even added echo
to each line thinking i may need that. Does anyone use pine and have exec
commands in .signature?

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