On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Scott uttered these words of wisdom:

>Does anyone know if there is an ISP specific list for Mandrake or
>1)It's cool to post questions here

I think this is the correct forum for your questions.  A lot of people 
here (including myself) are running their own web / email / etc... servers 
at home off of either dsl or cable internet.  Not quite the scale of an 
ISP, but the approach should be similar.  

>2)I should start a new list on my Mandrake servers here :)

Can't speak for that one, but there are also IRC channels devoted to 
mandrake as well as the several lists

>I have more questions about Mandrake as I replace my BSDI boxes
>at the ISP I am running, but not sure if it is cool to post those questions
>on this list.

I'm surprised to hear that you're switching from BSDI to Mandrake; why is 
that?  (just curious)



Michael Holt
Banning, CA                        (o_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (o_  (o_  //\    
www.holt-tech.net        (/)_ (/)_ V_/_    www.mandrake.com     

  "AOL for Dummies" is kind of redundant, don't you think?

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