I have just installed (ot at least tried to) Tomcat 4 by using the rpm's
from jakarta.apache.org. However I am unable to get i started, It is
supposes to run line a deamon, and when I start it from the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat4 -start it returns an OK, but there is no
webserver available on port 8080
I have set the JAVA_HOME variable in the /etc/tomcat4/tomcat4.conf file
as requested. I am not able to see what is goin wrong, but when I stop
it it throws a lot of exceptions like the following
java.net.ConnectException Connection refused.
Set server.xml IS set up to use por 8080 and no other application is
using this port.

I have tried to download the gzipped ditrubuting and when I unzipped it.
In this I just have to set the JAVA_HOME in the catalina.sh file and it
runs fine.

Why will it not run when installed by the RPM?????

Thanks in advance

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