On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 20:37, Vox wrote:
> This time Jack Coates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> becomes daring and writes:
> > I'd also suggest preparing management for a new box -- classic pentiums
> > are fine for C apps but real dogs when it comes to Perl.
>   There's a C implementation of spamassassin which comes in the
>   package, which is the recommended one to use when you are using it
>   in a mailserver. 
>   Vox

spamc and spamd are C hooks, but the base code is still Perl. spamd
basically acts like mod_cgi by loading spamassassin once instead of
every time a message comes through.

this certainly will help with a classic pentium, but cramming it full of
RAM is highly recommended. For water-cooler benchmark figures, I once
ran a 50-line Perl Squid redirector for filtering banner-ads on a
Pentium 75 with 32M hooked to an ADSL line and running iptables. Booting
took nearly fifteen minutes and when it finally let me log in, w showed
a load of 25.00 and Squid still wouldn't answer for another minute or
two. Once it was up it ran pretty well, but it was slow enough to
obviate the caching benefit.

> -- 
> Think of the Linux community as a niche economy isolated by its beliefs.  Kind
> of like the Amish, except that our religion requires us to use _higher_
> technology than everyone else.             -- Donald B. Marti Jr.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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