On 21 Nov 2002 23:15:26 -0500 Robert Wohlfarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 00:04, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > * just enabling modem access resulted in shorewall being silently
> > enabled...  When I tried to switch back to LAN mode, I was unable to
> > connect to ANYTHING...
> The default Shorewall configuration is setup for an ethernet card
> (eth0). It blocks access to everything on ppp0 (the dial up connection).
> This link provides a proper configuration:
> http://shorewall.net/standalone.htm

Thanks -- I'll look at this; but my point to Mandrake is still that this
is a laptop that:
- worked on a LAN
- worked on a dialup
- would not work on a LAN again until I found that shorewall came into the
picture SILENTLY*

* and NO, /var/log/{messages,syslog} does NOT count as notification -- how
many people expect to have networking DISABLED by simply switching from
LAN to dial and back to LAN...????

> Hopefully future Mandrake releases will configure Shorewall during
> install. Wouldn't want dial-up users to give up on Mandrake when there's
> no Internet connection.

My problem was not going to dialup; it was going back to LAN...

BTW, I also got some screen captures of MCC claiming I was connected; yet
there were NO cables hooked up...  The "M" in MCC does not stand for
Linu*s*, RedHat, Suse, etc...

I'm on a tight schedule until the end of Dec; and this did not make me
happy at all...  so sorry if this sounds too harsh; but shorewall shoved
between my back pockets was a tad harsh too, IMO.

Anyway, while I can get around these issues by myself, I hope there will
be more thought given to those who can't if Mdk still intends to target
new users...  


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