At 11:30 AM 11/22/02, Praedor Tempus wrote:
Well, it now appears that all is right with the world. I managed to get my
wireless connections between desktop and laptop up and running so as to allow
both machines to connection share a dialup account from the desktop. I also
got my KDE slow startup problem resolved (my desktop hostname isn't yet valid
and is down for a day or so).

Now, I am wanting to clean up my procmail filters. Does anyone have any
particularly good spam filters setup for procmail that seem to do a good job?
Would you be willing to share your recipes?


My procmail recipe is pretty simple. It checks for korean and japanese character sets and puts those messages into file spam-unreadable,then runs bogofilter to classify the message as spam or ham, and then takes appropriate action. Info on bogofilter can be found at SourceForge.


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