Mark Chou wrote:

I'm using an earlier distro, but have it working. Have you tried just using "DEVICE=/dev/lirc" i.e. not using devfs node?  If I recall correctly, the lirc modules aren't automatically loaded unless you run lircd (or /etc/rc.d/init.d/lircd).

Also, are you sure you have a TV card with the I2C receiver?  Mine doesn't have a red LED.  The correct I2C receiver plugs right into the TV card with a minijack. Hauppauge also had a receiver that attached to a serial port.


I have the same device than you : the IR receiver connects to the TV card port (the shape of the plug does not allow any other port), and has a red led in front, behind the dark red receiver cache. This led shows when plugged at start but should turn off when drivers are loaded. It is the case under Windows (and it works well this way).
I'll try your advice, but also I could upgrade lirc to the cooker packages if possible : mandrake bugzilla mentions some bugs with module path that have been corrected in cooker.


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