Why are you even worrying about this...?  It's just a "paper trail" which
is generally not viewed anyway, and no sane mail client would use that
info for replies, etc.  There are lots of mail messages with similar
headers flying around the 'net and no-one worries about it AFAIK...

Not sure what my headers will read on this msg; but I don't care...  :>


On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:33:16 +0000 bascule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> i am trying to get postfix to rewrite one of the headers that appears in
> all the emails i send, in every email i send incl. this one there is:
> Received: from mycroft.excession (localhost.localdomain [])
>         by host.domain.tld (Postfix) 
> as one of the first headers, mycroft.excession is the host machine name
> but obviously doesn't resolve outside my local network
> i've tried editing /etc/postfix/main.cf to include:
> canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
> and edited canonical to read:
> #lots of commented text
> @mycroft.excession @test.cxm
> this doesn't do the trick even after restarting/reloading postfix,
> is it that the syntax is wrong or am i barking up the wrong tree?
> as i understand things this particular header exists because kmail sends
> to postfix which then sends the mail on hence the:
> Received: from mycroft.excession 
> means that postfix received the mail on port 25 on this host
> is it possible to rewrite this header to something else (without
> changing my hostname back to 'localhost')?
> bascule

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