I was able to solve my PS2 mouse/CD burning problem by shifting the 
mouse to USB.

But here's the catch. I was unable to use mousedrake to configure it. 
It kept complaining that "no usb bus found\n at /usr/sbin/mousedrake 
line 54." Bull, I type this with a USB mouse configured with 
modprobing input.o, mousedev.o and rebooting my system, which found 
it during hardware detection (hey I thought I didn't ever have to 

Now, I am trying to get this to be a proper wheel mouse which it was 
as a PS2 mouse, but as a USB mouse I can't get the wheel detected.

I edited /etc/X11/XF86Config in the Pointer section:
Section "Pointer"
    Protocol "IMPS/2"
    Device "/dev/psaux"  
    ZAxisMapping 4 5 
Section "Pointer"
    Identifier "USB Mice" #added 03/21/03
    Protocol "IMPS/2"
#   Device "/dev/psaux"  #commented out 03/21/03
    Device "dev/input/mice" #added 03/21/03
    ZAxisMapping "4 5" #quotes added 3/21/03
    Buttons       "5" #added 03/21/03

With this, I still don't get a wheel mouse. I have the wheel button 
functioning, but not the wheel motion.

This XF86Config file differs from the ones I have previously seen. 
where are the quotes around the names of the fields? What about the 
quotes around "4 5" has Mandrake changed things? Or am I behind the 
times. what should my pointer section say to get this mouse to work 

Rob Blomquist
Kirkland, WA

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