> I was tempted by the lure of a digital video recorder.

I suppose by that you wish to digitize analog video (vcr) into video

> I found this http://www.geocities.com/slothmud/VCR-HOWTO-3.html
> It seems great, my tv card is working fine with xawtv, so i checked vcr 

Hmm. I don't have a tv card and I've never used avifile but you might
have better success with mencoder (part of mplayer), see

Examples seem to suggest it's possible to use mencoder to grab the
input from a TV (card) and encode the audio into AVI or other
supported formats. Couple that with a crontab setup and you've got 
a tivo :).

It also seems you have a very high level of control on the encoding
side, but it's also difficult to figure out how to do it :).

There are some examples here:

Whether mpleyer is more or less difficult to compile than avifile
given your current setup is left as an exercise (grin). And there
should be RPMs of both, try plf (plf.zarb.org).

One of these days I should get a tv card. It seems there would be 
interesting possibilities.

> JG

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