On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 18:02, Damon Lynch wrote:
> Are other users having similar problems to me with Galeon?  I must
> confess I'm not too impressed with it - bugs and / or missing features
> can be worked around, but simple instability i.e. hard crashes are a
> real pain in the rear end. Missing features including save with session,
> and a notable bug is frames being incorrectly recovered after a crash.
> Is it relatively easy to compile one of the 1.2.x series for use with
> 9.1?  I am far more impressed with 1.2.x than 1.3.x. thus far.  With
> 1.2.x I had few if any problems.  Or maybe I should just stick with
> Mozilla for filling out web forms at work :-)
> Thanks and best wishes,
> Damon

As was explained to me while I was on the Cooker list, any shortfall in
1.3.x is purely your imagination :-) Or as they say at

"09 Mar, 2003 - Galeon 1.3.3 released
This is the release many of you have been waiting for, it reintroduces
the much wanted javascript etc. quick toggles. You're slowly running out
of excuses if that has been your reason to stay with the stable 1.2.x
releases ;) 
Even though the 1.3.x branch is a development branch, in practice it is
considered stable for every day use."

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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