On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 04:04, SainTiss wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to have stumbled upon an oddity: I was trying to install
> gkrellm-themes, which is in the contrib repository, and indeed, drakconf
> lists gkrellm-themes-0.2-4. However, when trying to install it, I get a
> download error in the style of "FTP couldn't RETR file". I found this to
> be weird, so opened gftp and checked out the FTP repository myself, only
> to find out that gkrellm-themes-0.2-3 was present, not 0.2-4.
> So I guess this is an error in the synthesis.hdlist2.cz file I use?
> Or did the naming change, and is this synthesis file not for the contrib
> part?
> Thanks,
> Hans

Hans sounds like you caught contribs in the middle of the update.  The
mirror has the synth file but not the rpms yet.  Give it a bit... try
again and it should smooth out.


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