This one is very old and has spawned a few flamefests. The workaround is
to use inline message signing instead of MIME... only, Evolution doesn't
support and doesn't intend to support inline signing. Yet another reason
why PGP/GPG is essentially stillborn in terms of widespread usage.

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 14:21, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I just discovered that my Evolution PGP signed mails are completely
> messed up in outlook express... It shows two attachments, one with the
> signature and one with the message.
> Now, I know this is outlooks fault (it handles MIME in a pretty weird
> way), but it is very irritating since I sign *all* outgoing messages (on
> my ISP account that is).
> BTW, I haven't tested this, but Kmail (with PGP/MIME plugins) should
> suffer the same faith.
> The gory details as I can see is that outlook express has the strange
> way to encapsulate everything as attachment (when there is at least one
> attachment) and encapsulating other attachments in that.
> The problem is that it doesn't know how to treat correct messages, so
> they seem screwed up.
> The problem that this causes is that most people don't know or care
> about this, they use Outlook and everything else is wrong...
> Some even think my signatures are viruses.
> It is insane!
> Kind regards
> Guy
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