On Monday 20 October 2003 04:42 pm, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> I understand that a kernel-source rpm is not the same as a kernel.src rpm.
> What I do not understand is that I have just updated all my sources,
> including contribs, AND I added the urpmi sources indicated for the
There was some talk on the Cooker ML recently about urpmi not updating sources 
properly.  Something about the md5 checksum on the hdlist being incorrect.  
In order to update the source, it had to be deleted and re-added.  I have run 
into this myself.  Once I updated my Cooker mirror to final and updated my 
sources, I noticed that several things that I knew had newer packages were 
not being updated.  I deleted and adde the repository and all was well.

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