I was poking around on the community twiki tonight and I am not sure I came 
back with an entirely positive experience.  I really don't want to be 
negative, but I also want to give some feedback that I hope those of you that 
have worked so hard will find constructive.

Anyway, the gist of my feedback is that I find the Community Twiki to be very 
hard to navigate and find information in.  I think there is far too much text 
and explanation instead of visual cues to make it easy to navigate.  I think 
it needs to have an element of simplicity to it that currently doesn't exist 

When I say visual cues, I am not necessarily referring to a lot of graphics, 
but to proper use of formatting and highlighting, table of contents and 

For instance, I think it would be much easier to use if I could get anywhere I 
needed to go in the site from the home page without having to read more than 
1 paragraph or scroll down in my browser.  A lot of the text explaining what 
the Twiki is and its rules of operation would, IMO, be better on a secondary 
page that links from the main site.  There is a tremendous amount of 
information on the home page about twiki and not so much about Mandrake 
Linux.  I really think the ratio should be the other way around.

Once I get to the Index, I think the organization is good, it is just very 
hard to find the index.

This is just my two cents.  Hopefully you will find it useful, if not, you are 
free to tell me what rock to crawl back under.  I'd make some changes, but 
what I am thinking of is so dramatic, I thought it deserved some discussion 
Kindest regards,

"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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