On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 13:23, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> Sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will fail and go to nobody.  What is actually 
> sending this message and where do I find the config file so I can correct it 
> to send messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is it postfix itself?  In order to avoid having the mandrake list bounce all 
> my mails back at me, I had to setup my local postfix to set "myorigin = 
> yahoo.com".  If I set it to be my actual localdomain (ravenhome.net) I will 
> lose the ability to post to the expert list.  Is this [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> originating from postfix via this "myorigin" setting?    

something else is wrong with your posting problems, but setting myorigin
to yahoo.com is a Bad Idea(TM). Put it back, and edit
/etc/postfix/aliases to point [EMAIL PROTECTED] to a valid email.

> praedor

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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