Jean-Pierre Denis wrote:
Hash: SHA1


jipe wrote:

menuA[1]="$(echo -e " \e[1;34;46m-1-\e[0m\tCopy /etc/dhcpd.conf")"

I would like to get more details on how to display color in shell script
and on terminal.

I understand that 34 and 46 are the color.

How does this actually work ? Are the color the same as the one in

Can anybody point me the a good reference docuement. I did not find
anything in the man pages.

I am not sure of what you want to do but I have a nice perl script that can be used with a "pipe" so that you just list the regex and what color you want, including different color print on different color background, and the output is colored. It can simply be put in any kind of shell script, and used as a filter, much like you would pipe to awk, grep, or any other command that you like. You can run it alone with a -help switch, and it will give you the syntax. The more you play with it, the more you see its usage and power. It comes in real handy with grep'ing through long log files, and you want something to really stand out.

If you, or anyone else is interested, I can post it here or put it on my web server (it is not very big). Let me know...


J. Craig Woods
UNIX Network/System Engineer
Let him that would move the world, first move himself.

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