Hi Erik,

Did a quick google and it sounds like you've got something in your
bashrc or other RCfile that expects an interactive shell, which Fabric
doesn't do by default (it does a noninteractive login shell).

See for example http://platonic.techfiz.info/2008/10/13/stdin-is-not-a-tty/ .

So there's two ways you can address this:

* Figure out what the offending program is in your shell RCfile and
remove it or wrap it in an if statement that ensures it only runs if
the shell is in fact interactive;
* In your fabfile, tweak env.shell so that it says e.g. "/bin/bash -li
-c" instead of "/bin/bash -l -c" (i.e. add a -i argument so that it's
interactive too). I don't recommend this since it may well introduce
other oddball side effects (using -i isn't, to my knowledge, well
tested), but it's an option;


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Erik Wickstrom <e...@erikwickstrom.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I run a command on a remote host, Fabric always has this err.  Do I
> have something mis-configured?
> [...@domain.com] run: cd /home/clm/crs/; git pull origin master
> [...@domain.com] err: stdin: is not a tty
> [...@domain.com] out: Already up-to-date.
> Thanks!
> Erik
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