On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Timothee Besset<tt...@idsoftware.com> wrote:

> Yep, I understand that, the problem is the lack of control, e.g. I am
> not able to change the scheme for where the files go locally and under
> what name.

Well, as mentioned all get() currently does is append a suffix, but
otherwise you should have full control over the local path and name.
If it's not working as expected (e.g. passing a full relative or
absolute path as ``local_path`` is not working) I'd be interested in
the circumstances :) All we do is use paramiko's sftp.get() method,
which I imagine is pretty flexible in this regard.

> Another unrelated question while I'm there, one of the main problems I
> had when I initially tried fabric, was the ability to run jobs on
> multiple systems that use different sets of credentials.

You can pass in the username in host strings, e.g. us...@host1,
us...@host2, etc. This will work anywhere host strings are accepted:
the global -H command line parameter, or per-command options (fab
foo:hosts=us...@host1) or in-fabfile setting of env.hosts, and so on
and so forth.

Passwords, you should always be prompted every time a different remote
system asks for a password, and while you *can* press Enter to use the
last password entered, you may always re-enter a different password.

So if you're looking at 3 distinct hosts with 3 distinct usernames and
password combinations, you should be able to do:

    $ fab -H us...@host1,us...@host2,us...@host3 do_my_stuff
    Password for us...@host1: <enter user1 password here>
    Password for us...@host2 [Enter for previous]: <enter user2 password here>
    Password for us...@host3 [Enter for previous]: <user3 password>

If there's an angle I'm missing here, let me know :) Note that there
are plans to have per-host settings be much more robust than this,
including the ability to specify individual per-host passwords before
the fact and thus not have to get prompted for them at all.

I'm guessing this will be in for 1.0 (0.9 final should be out
relatively soon and no big new features are going to appear for it.)


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