Sorry, it's a little more complicated than just that.

I'll post back when I've figured out exactly what's going on.

I apologize for the line noise. (and for top-posting, but it seemed reasonable, in this case!)


On Jun 14, 2009, at 11:29 PM, Steve Steiner wrote:

This function fails:

def push_keys():
Uploads our authorized_keys file to the .ssh folder of the user on the
   remote system so we don't have to use passwords any more
   put("authorized_keys", "~/.ssh/authorized_keys")

This succeeds:

def push_keys():
Uploads our authorized_keys file to the .ssh folder of the user on the
   remote system so we don't have to use passwords any more
   put("./authorized_keys", "~/.ssh/authorized_keys")

Not sure what the "put" context is supposed to be but apparently it's not the directory from which the current is being run.


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