sounds like you are using fabric 0.1.1. I don't know if there's a way
around this. Fabric 0.9 addresses this problem very nicely - see

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Nick Welch<> wrote:
> I have some utility functions in my fabfile that get used by various
> tasks.  The problem is that they're also interpreted as tasks and
> clutter up 'fab list'.  I tried naming them with a leading underscore,
> but then I get a NameError claiming that the functions don't even exist.
> So for now, I've put this ugly "do_" prefix on them.  And of course,
> they still show up in 'fab list'.  Is there some better way?  Or would I
> have to make my own little utility module and pull these functions out
> of the fabfile altogether?
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