I am testing 50+ machines for a correctly configured sudo installation
right now. Whenever one of those machines is bad, it prompts me and I
have to kill fab and try again on the next host. It is going very
slowly. If I was able to just output an error I'd just run a single
batch and grep my list of systems I need to fix out of the log.


Jeff Forcier wrote:
> If I read you correctly, you're asking if Fabric will raise an error
> instead of trying to give you a prompt so you can enter the password?
> Can I ask why? If I were in a situation where I wanted to run
> something via 'sudo' but didn't expect to actually be around after
> running my Fab task, I'd either not run it via sudo or I'd put in some
> conditional logic so the line with sudo() in it didn't fire :)
> Certainly, right now, this isn't possible, but if there's an actual
> need for it, I don't think it would be too difficult to put in
> sometime. (Probably when I overhaul the prompting in general so it can
> deal with non-sudo related prompts.)
> Best,
> Jeff
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Timothee Besset<tt...@idsoftware.com> wrote:
>> Another one..
>> Is there a way I can tell sudo() to error if getting prompted for a
>> password (e.g. either missing or invalid credentials) .. it would be
>> helpful for batching / unattended operation.
>> TTimo
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