On Jul 24, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Jeff Forcier wrote:

Hi folks,

Just a quick announcement that we now have a ticket tracker, plus yet
another way to view the Git repository online (on top of
git.fabfile.org and Github):


I've moved the entirety of the TODO file to this ticket tracker. TODO
is dead; long live TODO!


I had seen your checkins about "moved TODO to ticket system" over the last few days and wondered where the mysterious "ticket system" was.

I knew it was coming and I'm sooooooooo glad to see it come to fruition.

I know I've been a bit of a pain about this in the past and I apologize for any "over the line" comments I may have made.

Now, let's go whack some bugs, implement some features, and get 1.0 out the door!

Great news!

Congratulations on getting it up and running.

aka/Steve Steiner

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