Hi all,

Just a note in case anyone has been trying to access the server, it
looks like some search engine bot is crawling the site and causing it
to overheat, so to speak (going OOM in a big way.) Not 100% positive
that's the cause, but _some_ traffic pattern in the past few hours is
causing the Redmine instance to gobble RAM where it was fine for the
last couple of months.

Thus, I've had to restart or shut down Apache a couple of times
recently, meaning *.fabfile.org has been intermittently down for the

I'll be re-examining my Passenger config to see why it's OOMing
instead of simply refusing requests (probably need to rebalance
#-workers / allowed max memory / etc sorts of settings) in addition to
probably blacklisting this web crawler in my robots.txt. Hopefully
within the next hour or two, tops.

Thanks for your patience :)


Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby developer

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