
I came to Django from Rails (which explains my kvetching on the Django
mailing list!).

I have found Fabric to match Rakefile in each power I need from it,
and I'm amazed it blows Capistrano away in only 10 source files.

However, I can't find a simple convenience that would make my suite of
project-specific commands (pull, test, int, etc.) complete.

I liked Rails when rake<enter> called rake default, which in turn
called rake test. This made testing absurdly convenient - even as our
feeb editors and user-hostile Mac computers made it ridiculously hard!

So I'd like to write a fabfile.py with this in it...

    def default():

Then I'd like to call the default when I hit fab<enter>. Instead, I
now get the help message.

While I monkey-patch this into place, may I ask if anyone else would
like to "second" this feature request?

Put another way, doesn't everyone have some fab command that they run
as often as possible?


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