
I was wondering if there is a way to group tasks and then refer to the
group by one name. I don't want to start but sort of what namespaces in
Capistrano could be used for.

What I'm trying to do is to deploy to several machines which are domain
specific. I have a database machine, a web server with the application
code, a machine which runs daemons, and a machine for command queuing.
Of course, each machine has specific needs and it would be more fitting
if I defined different fabric tasks for each of them, like:

def deploy_db():
    #migrate the db schema

def deploy_app():
    #restart web server

def deploy_daemons():
    #restart all app daemons

def deploy_queue():
    #restart the queuing manager

Now, what I have to do is

fab deploy_db deploy_app deploy_daemons deploy_queue

What I had rather do is

fab deploy

This would call those four tasks from above.

The reason for that is the deployment plan - the order in which the
deployment tasks are run - hardly ever changes but the order of the
tasks is essential. Sometimes I need to restart some services on other
machines and so this deployment plan changes.

Is there a way?


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