Hi all,

Just a note for anyone who likes to follow master, I've implemented
ticket 151, allowing the output controls to manage user/fabfile level


So you can now replace print() calls in lower level library-like code
with calls to puts(), and conditionally hide that output with the
show/hide controls. puts() can also optionally flush sys.stdout
(replacing the older, but still master-only "fastprint" function), and
will by default prepend "[<env.host_string>] " so that your output
matches the output from builtins. For details, see the API docs:


The genesis for this change: I have package installation routines that
already hide stdout/stderr and print a simple "Installing package
foo..." message in its place. These are used by higher level code and
I wanted the ability to hide those "Installing package" notices -- end
result is that high level "set up new server" scripts can now simply
say "Installing base system..." and hide the dozens of individual
package install notices that would otherwise be printed by the lower
level code.

Hopefully it'll be useful to some of you as well!


P.S. In the near future I'll be setting up a Fabric dev blog where
info like this will live; hopefully it'll get wider distribution than
this list does and be easier to link to than the ML archives are. I
also plan to up the amount of overall communication as well :) so that
even if I'm not in a period of active development, people can still
see that I'm alive and thinking about the project.

Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby developer

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