First off, congrats on fabric, this is a really useful tool.

I'm using fab with some cloud based infrastructure, especially in situations
where host names are transient, and a number of other
configuration/connection issues come into play.

I was confused by some behavior in fabric.  When you set env.user in one
function, it will typically be passed on to the next, just like any other
field set on env.

However, when env.hosts are present, env.user is discarded without any
indication of what's happening.

I had one workflow set up as follows:

def build_ami() : # build an amazon ami, retrieve the public dns name, and
use it to update env.hosts

def user(name) : # set env.user to the name argument

def ssh(index=0) : # ssh into the first host in env.hosts

I was building ubuntu ami's, and running the command as follows:

$> fab build_ami user:ubuntu ssh

However, I soon learned that once env.hosts are set (in build_ami),
user:ubuntu will not actually change env.user (it saves the value in
prev_user, and resets it after ssh returns), and ssh will try to login with
the original user name.
I could set the name inside build_ami with an argument, but I wanted to use
the original env.user inside this function for ec2 tagging purposes.  I was
able to work around this by using env.user_local

The question is, what is the purpose for this behavior?  I couldn't find
anything in the documentation that explained why it was doing this.

The next question is, is there a group of people that are sharing best tips,
etc. for using fabric on cloud based systems?  Is there a better option? I'd
rather not invent the wheel, or force square pegs in round holes here.

Thanks again,
Justin Donaldson, BigML, Inc.
o: 313-31BIGML | c: 919-BUZZJJD
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